Adoptive Church by Chap Clark


Who should read it

If you're wanting to do some deep thinking about bringing youth ministry and the church together, I highly recommend this book.


Adoptive youth ministry? What does that mean? Well according to Chap Clark in his 2018 book, the goal of Adoptive youth ministry is "To create an environment where young people are encouraged to live into their calling in Christ as agents of the kingdom within the household of God" (p60). Clark recognises three crises facing youth ministry today: 1. The church is losing young people, 2. Culture is increasingly secular, 3. Young people are hurting more than we realise. In the face of these crises, Clark argues that the whole church must be part of the answer. No matter how great your evangelism programs, or how compelling your ongoing discipleship, if young people can't find meaningful belonging in the household of God, flourishing in faith is an uphill battle. It is within a family of older and younger siblings in Christ where young people are encouraged to become who they already are in Christ, nurtured in their faith, valued in their contribution that they "live into" long lasting discipleship.


Baker Academic, 2018