Perspectives on Family Ministry: 3 views (2nd Edition) by Renfro, Shields, Strother (Edited by T.P. Jones)

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Who should read it

Useful for those in church leadership, those with children and those who are interested in exploring family ministry models.


Family ministry advocate Timothy Paul Jones introduces the key question: there are more and more ministry workers convinced that family ministry is an integral part of reinvigorating the church but what does it look like? Three different perspectives are presented with interaction between the contributors in a following chapter. A great book to start exploring an important question.


Baker Academic, 2019 (2nd edition)

Family Ministry and the Church by Chris Shirley

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Who should read it

Useful for anyone leading a children's or youth ministry. Also recomended for ministry staff teams to read together.


Family Ministry and the Church explores the role of the church in strengthening families and equipping them for discipleship, and the role of the family in building the church. Shirley takes the reader through an exploration of what family ministry is, and why the family and the church need each other. With other contributors, the book delves into how to equip families for ministry at different life stages with the goal of seeing families and churches working together in effective disciple-making ministry.


Randall House Publications, 2018

InterGenerate by Holly Catterton Allen


Who should read it

Useful for church leaders and senior staff that are looking to understand Intergenerational Ministry and begin to imagine what it may look like in their local context.


InterGenerate is a wide selection of articles, essays and stories that present the case for Intergenerational Ministry. The authors come from a broad range of theological and ecclesiological traditions. However, the discerning reader will find value in the perspectives given, which flesh out the principles and possible practice of Intergenerational Ministry in the local church.


Abilene Christian University Press, 2018